Pittsburgh Paperwork-Only Divorce Lawyers
Experienced Divorce Attorneys Helping People in Allegheny County
A “paperwork-only” divorce is the term attorneys use to describe a divorce that does not require litigation. In other words, every single issue that would come up in a divorce is already settled, converted into a contract, signed, and executed. The divorce would be filed and completed as an uncontested divorce.
Divorce Documentation in Pittsburgh
There are two main parts of the paperwork-only divorce process, assuming that the spouses have settled all of their issues on their own or through mediation with the help of an attorney (or two attorneys). The first part of paperwork-only divorce is the Marriage Settlement Agreement that settles all of the issues and is signed by the parties. The second part is the filing of the Complaint in Divorce, and other documentation necessary to get a decree in divorce. Often other paperwork is needed to divide assets, such as the drafting of a deed that conveys title to a property, or the preparation of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) that divides certain types of retirement accounts.
Initiate a Paperwork-Only Divorce
There are usually two ways to initiate a “paperwork” only divorce through an attorney. The first is when a spouse hires an attorney to draft the required paperwork for the divorce. Once a couple decides that they are going to get a divorce and have discussed how they’re going to through the process, it is not necessary for them to go through litigation or pay for unnecessary services. All a divorce needs is an attorney who can put their divorce agreements in the required paperwork. Only one of the spouses has to speak to an attorney to complete the necessary paperwork because a lawyer can only represent one party in a divorce action.
If a client insists that both spouses be present to explain what they want “drawn up,” then both spouses may be able to speak with an attorney together. However, it’s necessary to identify which of the two spouses is the client. Our attorneys can draft the paperwork for one spouse, as long as both spouses are willing to sign everything to complete the divorce. Often, only one or two appointments in our office are necessary because the parties can have their documents signed and notarized anywhere.